ON DEMAND WORKSHOP: How to Get a Job in Instructional Design! Find out what’s working and NOT working for your Instructional Design Job Search, plus how to get noticed by hiring managers! Click to learn more


Sharon Stahrfisher – Mentor

Zones of Genius

  • RISE
  • Storyline
  • Wellsaid Labs
  • Interviewing
  • Zoom/Teams Skills
  • Audience Analysis
  • Accessibility
  • Learner Assessment
  • Communication
  • ILT/vILT
  • Scenarios (including

What job/career did you transition from?

I was a communication studies college professor (speech teacher among many other titles) for a major university.

Why did you join AIDA?

Originally, it was because nothing else was working. I had paid for someone to redesign my resume and LinkedIn. I had submitted about 50 applications and hadn’t gotten anything! I knew I could keep trying on my own, but I saw AIDA as a path toward finding ID work more successfully, and I did!

How did AIDA set you up for Success?

AIDA introduced me to everything I didn’t know. I had thought my previous studies and work history prepared me for a job in the ID field. What I didn’t know was everything else I needed to fill my knowledge gaps and AIDA gave me that.

What do you love about AIDA?

What I love most about AIDA is the connections you make with others on the same journey. I have so many people I now consider my friends that I met through AIDA. Also, when I am working and someone says, “do you know anyone good?” I have a plethora of options to present to them from my AIDA network.

What are you doing now?

I am a Senior Learning and Development Specialist with “Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products”(DPEP).

Carla Serkin
Carol Beach
Amber Brache
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