Is the ONLY comprehensive, practical Certification Program you’ll ever need to learn and practice what happens in the real-world and FAST TRACK your way to a CORPORATE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN CAREER!
… you could learn from someone else’s mistakes and best practices to fast track your way through to being successful in the field?
… you had confidence to walk into an interview and answer the question, “What’s your Instructional Design process?”
… you could create a portfolio that looks like it was created by a professional Instructional Designer, avoiding the noticeable “newbie” mistakes?
… you had an “in” to all these training agencies that hire freelancers for contract work so you could start developing your pipeline of contracts?
You take the academic route and go to grad school for Instructional Design.
You learn a lot of theory but still have no idea how the real world works.
You don’t learn any of the software tools that you need to be successful.
You create a portfolio that is a bunch of academic papers.
You apply for jobs and get a lot of “thanks but no thanks” letters with no feedback.
Maybe you get an interview but you bomb it because you can’t answer the questions.
Imposter syndrome creeps in and you start to think going back to school was a mistake.
You get the support and accountability you need to set intentions and reach your goals.
You link arms with ID professionals and put 20 years of REAL-WORLD experience into your BACK POCKET.
You create an amazing portfolio that employers love.
You learn and are able to implement BEST PRACTICES that show you know what you are doing.
You gain confidence in interviews where you can speak to what actually happens in real life.
You achieve your goal of becoming a SUCCESSFUL, working Instructional Designer who STANDS OUT from the crowd.
is a compilation of the founder’s 20 years in this field (both hiring and doing the work) packaged up in a nice little bow, with all the best practices you need, so you can fast track through the process!
The elearning industry was a $250 Billion industry in 2020 and is set to rise to $1 Trillion by 2026. Companies used to be able to train their employees in person using Subject Matter Experts, but since the pandemic, training is 90% online, and that requires Instructional Designers and eLearning Developers who are familiar with the tools.
Employers get a lot of applicants for ID jobs but they are 90% unprepared for the role and don’t have a portfolio, so when you stand out from the crowd, you will float to the top.
AIDA students are often among the top candidates for open positions, even with huge candidate pools.
Our ID experts and mentors won’t let you send a single sample to a potential employer or recruiter that’s not hire-worthy. You’re going to learn, practice, and refine your samples until they are perfectly polished. Your samples will go through numerous revisions until they meet our high standards to ensure they are at the level employers are looking for. You don’t get this level of dedication in any other program.
Some of our members tried applying for ID jobs before coming to us. Sometimes they send hundreds of applications and get no bites. Others end up in interviews where they have no idea what they’re talking about. We fill in all the gaps that unqualified candidates are missing.
I’ve personally talked with employers who say their #1 concern with hiring new graduates is that they have no real understanding about how to get through a real project from start to finish. They need someone to hit the ground running and create a training solution that gets results. That’s something grad school doesn’t teach.
Candidates that look good on paper don’t always perform well on the job. But you will! Employers are thrilled when they find someone like you who’s trained and ready to start from day one. It’s like finding an ID unicorn! You get to be that unicorn.
**Note that these portfolios and samples were created from SCRATCH (mock samples) 95% of the time.
We use a scaffolded approach to learning, where you build on your skills but aren’t overwhelmed with all the things. Feedback and continuous improvement is built in so that you are constantly improving and growing, and by the time you are done, you have a portfolio full of samples hiring managers are looking for and a lot of confidence to ace the interview.
It’s not just about learning the skills and creating some samples. It’s about creating samples THAT WILL GET YOU HIRED. Your first version of your samples won’t be your best work. You will make a lot of newbie mistakes, and it’s not always easy to create the quality that IDs out in the field are creating. It takes years to acquire these skills on your own because they are often unspoken (you can’t just google it).
We have a very specific process to help you create hire-ready samples, even if you feel you aren’t creative and don’t have any current skills to do so.
The certification integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn to show employers what you have done.
The certification is comprehensive of the skills it takes to be a successful instructional designer and includes the following:
Jill is a 20+ year corporate Instructional Design veteran and is the CEO of Learning Strategy and Design, a custom learning solutions firm that has designed and developed training for Fortune 500 companies. She has had roles as a Senior Instructional Designer, eLearning Developer, Manager, etc. and worked with clients in many industries including banking, healthcare, government, IT/Tech, customer service/retail, manufacturing, oil and gas, and Big 4 consulting.
She is also the single mom of a teenage son and a caregiver to her elderly mother. This career has allowed her to pay off over $80k of debt, support both her son and her mother without worry, travel internationally 2-3 months a year and so much more.
Her favorite hobby is traveling – it was her motivation for working remotely in the first place! 64 countries down for Jill and 24 for her son.
She is passionate about helping others to achieve that same freedom through Instructional Design.
Jill Davidian, FOUNDER & CEO
One Payment
Save $600!
Down Payment
With 3 installments of $1700 over 6 months
*Multiple pay over time options available
As low as 0% APR**
** Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check and are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. See for important info on state licenses and notifications.
If you need to spread out your payments, please check out the options below.
Click here to explore financing options.
If approved they will send you the money directly which you can use to purchase the program. Once you have applied and been approved, please email your APPROVAL to your Workshop Advisor or send to so we can hold your spot (it takes several day to receive the funds.)
PayPal Credit offers financing options when you select “PayPal” for your payment option at checkout (click the button above to start the sign up process for AIDA first). Currently PayPal Credit offers no-interest credit if you pay off your loan in the first 6 months.
Disclaimer: Subject to credit approval. Learning Strategy & Design is not affiliated with any of these lenders. These are simply options that members have used in the past.
Maybe this isn’t the beginning of your journey to becoming an ID. Maybe you’ve gone to grad school or you’re a teacher or already training people on the job and you just need help getting a job.
What we do is fill in the gaps in your skills and knowledge. Some of those gaps you won’t even be aware you have until they appear later. This comprehensive program ensures you fill all the gaps so you’re well-positioned from all angles for a career in ID. We make sure to get you all the way over the finish line, not “almost there.”
You should expect to spend a minimum of 15 hours a week on the content, which will get you through the credential in 7 months or so, with time to look for jobs while we support you in that process. If you have more time, you can finish quicker. The quickest would be about 4 months if you were working on AIDA for about 30 hours a week.
The overall program is 9 months, but you can get a job or contract sooner, depending on how much time you have to dedicate to it.
Even if you finish the content or land a contract earlier than that, you get continued access to your materials, Success Advisor, and community for the inevitable questions and challenges that come up once you start your new job. If your new employer asks you to prepare an animation you don’t know how to, we’re here to teach you (and look competent for your boss). If you need help negotiating the terms of your contract, we can help with that too.
You need to have a computer with a minimum of 8GB RAM, 512GB hard drive, i5 or newer processor, and access to Windows on your computer. Jill’s favorite models are the Dell XPS or HP Envy.
No, you don’t have to buy any additional tools for AIDA. We provide shared use of all the industry-standard tools we use in the program. You get access to Articulate Storyline & Rise (a $1099 VALUE!) while you’re active in the program. You’ll create assets in these tools for your portfolio that you can take with you after you complete the program.
If you have recent working knowledge of and comfort using PowerPoint or Google Slides, you have enough skills to be an instructional designer. There’s no coding or advanced tech required. If you struggle to create a basic PowerPoint, this career path may not be right for you.
We offer a three day, no questions asked refund. Please see the AIDA Client Program Agreement for more details.
Imagine a comprehensive, practical Masters degree program in Instructional Design that actually gives you the knowledge, skills, practice and experience you need to get hired in the field.
We leverage our founder, Jill’s, 20 years of experience in the field and extensive knowledge of what hiring managers are looking for to help our members succeed.
AIDA is the only program that offers a scaffolded process that builds as you go through the program. It includes practical application and high levels of feedback. You won’t skirt by in this program. We have a rigorous standard to get you to a certain level by the end, but we do it with love and and you will be so proud of the growth you experience.
With our Career Services Center, we are here to make sure that you not only have the skills to land an ID job, but that you actually do. The Career Services Center works to not only prep you for the job search through mock interview practice, but also link members to paid and volunteer opportunities through our partnerships.
With our AIDA Guarantee, we are here to support you through our Career Services Center until you have your first ID paycheck.
We also recognize that a career transition is more than just learning the skills you need to do the job well, which is why have a full time team dedicated to your success in the program. We offer holistic support and mindset resources to help you succeed.
AIDA is also the ONLY program to offer shared use of all the industry-standard software for up to 5 months, so you don’t have to take on that extra expense. And we have a valuable contract referral base to help you land your first projects.
No other program covers every angle of establishing a career in ID like AIDA.
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