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AIDA Portfolios and
eLearning Samples

Browse portfolios and samples designed by Applied Instructional Design Academy students.

Want an amazing Instructional Design Portfolio that gets you hired?

 A well-built, corporate-focused ID portfolio is crucial to leading a Corporate ID job.  It’s almost impossible to get hired without one,and it can’t have anything education-related in it if you want a corporate job.

Wondering how you can build one with no experience?  It may seem daunting, but we help aspiring Instructional Designers built portfolios from scratch every day. 

Click below for more information

Browse Our ID Portfolios


melanie babadjanov

Stephanie Agurs


melanie babadjanov

Stephanie Agurs

Danielle Russo

Leslie Conner

Kristina Rider

Erika Henderson

Joan Ruffels

Erin Gatto


Connie Schreibeis

Desiree Oswald

Raine Millhorn

Dana Schollar

Tristania Sachs

Kristen Sherman

Sabrina Mackey

Jennifer Gronsky

Tiffany Ede

Erika Meza

Kim Hudson

Audra VanBrandt

Elyse Inman

Michelle Neal

Taylor Sakinsky

Misty Breen

Tara Gates

Julie Taegel

Aron Salter

Amanda Kates

Sarah Taylor

Chelsea Silva

Loreen Elbakry

Lori Vance

Laura Hall

Julia Boyle

Amanda Hendrix

Chantel Jones

Pamula Seals

Emily Armond

Elizabeth Fowlkes

Chaunte Martin

Julie Woods-Robinson

Justine Duran

Katie Rehill

Christian Loftus

Bonni Parker

Nicole Trebesch

Paris Carter

Vanessa Lemon

Meredith Birdy

Krystal Sanchez

Amanda Gilmore

Annalisa Sanchez

Jennifer Burzycki

Katie Mosure

Sandy Wade

Angelica Landa

Rose Isaacs

Daina Pretus

Gena Raymond

Jill Schlessinger

Angelique Kuyper

Akilah Clarke

Rachel Mackewicz

Rebecca Strutt

Cathy O'Domes

Rachel Mackewicz

eLearning Samples
Venus Miller
Brenda Kay
Tami Havton
Carol Beach
Erin Dotson-Kelly
Melitta Igwe
Casey Mulvhill
Lacey Wieser
Eva Ebaide
Katie Gibbs
Lindsay Kravit
Simone Arthur
Julie Gillespie
Karen Strong
Angie Kassab
Amber Linthakhan
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