ON DEMAND WORKSHOP: How to Get a Job in Instructional Design! Find out what’s working and NOT working for your Instructional Design Job Search, plus how to get noticed by hiring managers! Click to learn more

See What People Are Saying About

Jill's support made all the difference

“I was looking for work as an instructional designer for 2 years after receiving my master’s. The portfolio assistance I received from Jill and her team made all the difference. Almost immediately I was getting offers and it wasn’t even complete yet!”

— Adriel Halliburton

The information value is priceless

“Jill is awesome. The value of the information she shares is priceless. You get exposed to real-world corporate Instructional Design work, and you get knowledge you can apply immediately.”

— Shara Cramp Andrade

AIDA Literally gave me my life back

” ID and Applied Instructional Design Academy literally gave me my life back. My friends say I am so much happier, relaxed, and my skin and hair glow.”

— Trisha Riche

What Will AIDA Help You Achieve


What Will AIDA Help You Achieve

Great $$$

What Will AIDA Help You Achieve

Meaningful Work

What Will AIDA Help You Achieve

Standing out from the crowd

What members are saying
You become part of a supportive family

” Jill and her team are amazing. In addition to a comprehensive program that not only instructs but offers you access to ID tools, you become part of a supportive family. If you are thinking of pursuing a new career in ID, Applied Instructional Design Academy is a must.”

— Ramona Klein

A game changer

” AIDA was a game changer for my career path.”

— Dyan Zuber

“I had been thinking about instructional design for a while before I started this program. I had narrowed my search down to 2 Master’s programs, and was planning to enroll even though I wasn’t sure where the tuition money would come from. A friend referred me to another ID school and through that school I found Jill.

From doing the 5 day Jumpstart, I really connected with the way she explained things and the value she added immediately. The idea of becoming an ID went from being a “someday goal” to a “I could do this within 9 months!” goal. It changed EVERYTHING for me.

Not only did I get skills right away, but everything was laid out before me in a way that I could set goals every week on making progress. Without the program, I would have easily gotten derailed, as I had tried to teach myself tools before. Also, I have a tendency to just dive into every new thing I see, but the program’s steps kept me on track while I was already super busy with a full time job, kids, house, and a husband who travels a lot. Now at the end of the program, I have everything Jill said I would need to get started in ID- technical skills, a portfolio, ID skills, knowledge of adult learning theories, interviewing skills, and a new resume. 

I have 3 contracts that keep me as busy as I am able to be, and I could have full-time work if I wanted it, no problem. In addition, learning within the program is a good lesson in how to create a learning platform, as I keep in mind bits and pieces of my learning experience in AIDA when I am designing new solutions for clients!

— Susan Ogilvie

Browse Our ID Portfolios

Want to view portfolios created by new (recently transitioned) Instructional Designers?

Click below to browse through Portfolios created by AIDA members that have helped them stand out from the crowd and gotten them jobs or contracts.

Raine Millhorn

Rachel Prince

Nicole Burgett

Christine Gravelle

Brenda Barley-Kay

Dyan Zuber

Check out our reviews on TrustPilot

Interested in learning more about becoming an Instructional Designer?

FREE 5-Day Instructional Design Jumpstart Workshop

Transitioning to a new career can be overwhelming. So many resources and directions to take – how do you focus on what will get you hired?  

Join us for a free 5-day workshop live with a 20-year ID veteran where you will get the roadmap to transition into an Instructional Design career from any industry and learn what hiring managers are looking for in the REAL WORLD of Corporate ID.

February 2025

Get the Ultimate Guide

In the meantime, check out our Ultimate Guide to becoming an ID by clicking here.

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