ON DEMAND WORKSHOP: How to Get a Job in Instructional Design! Find out what’s working and NOT working for your Instructional Design Job Search, plus how to get noticed by hiring managers! Click to learn more

AIDA 3 Month Extension Returning Members

For returning members who want to extend AFTER ending the program. You are only eligible to extend within 90 days of your program end date. If you ended your time in the AIDA more than 90 days ago, please reach out to membersuccess@learningstrategyanddesign.com for more information.

Note: We start extensions on the 28th of each month. If you have purchased on or before the 28th of this month, you will begin on the 28th of this month. If you have purchased after the 28th of this month, you will begin on the 28th of next month.


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